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  • Writer's pictureDillan Howell

Why Goals Are Effective

Don't overthink this.

Goals are for everyone and they are extremely effective. If you look at all the greats they have daily routine and goals.

I believe there are many things that make goals effective but here are three things that stand out to me the most.

1. Motivation

We set goals for a reason. They drive our daily routine and can provide a clear line of communication to our peers and those who lead us when discussing what we are working on. When goals are effective it drives us daily to win the mission. Are you feeling like you're having a hard time getting the day started? Refer back to your goals.

2. Focus

Need something to do or work on? Refer back to your goals. They keep us focused and when we have effective goals we always have things we can be doing. Out of each goal you can build action plans and task. When distracted refer back to you goals.

3. Alignment

When goal setting you may hear the term, "true north goal". A true north goal is typically the top goal held by the organization. When we're setting our personal goals we should always know what the true north goal is of the organization so that our goals are aligned with the overall mission of the organization. When aligned, everyone wins.

Need help setting goals for this year? Let me know, I'd love to help.

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